Full Disclosure + Weekly Word: Trusting in God. Plus My Reading, Stitching and Gratitude This Week!
from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer
Hello There,
Thank you for stopping by! Just an FYI, the following few paragraphs are real life and not very encouraging....the last few weeks have been rough. Feel free to skip to the index below.
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February 14, 2022
Weekly Word: Two Are Better Than One, Plus My Reading, Stitching and Gratitude This Week!
from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer
I hope you all had a fabulous week! Mine started off rough with a few days of illness, hence this post will be abbreviated as I lost a few days to sleep and recovery. However, I am fine now, thank God! It's amazing how quickly we can recover if we listen to our bodies, give it the rest it needs and then take life slowly as we recover!
Today was a lovely day out with my hubby grocery shopping, a lovely lunch at a local restaurant, Tacos & Shell-ah’s, which I highly recommend if you're in ...
- betty hetchman
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